At the time, when you least expected when you going to give it all up, you’ve come a long way so far, all the obstacles you’ve survived difficult, and in a second you are in despair, “then”. The miracles and wonders are happening. The “luck is open”, and the good news comes to you, and God shows you that he’s not forgotten you, and everything comes at the right time, and indeed all the trials for small and large that he gave you, not was for nothing, and you deserve the best.
That moment, when the miracle happens, I have no words to describe it as rebirth, is overwhelmed with feelings of joy and happiness. Tears, tears of joy overwhelming you and once you know, you’re stronger than ever and nothing can knock you out.
May this Hanukkah will be the timing, all the miracles and wonders will come true, and you will see the tears of joy.
Happy Hanukkah
Xoxo Nofar szigeti
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